
An Open Door to the Occupied Throne

February 7, 2021 Speaker: Mark Redfern Series: The End

Topic: AM Sermon Passage: Revelation 4:1–11

“An Open Door to the Occupied Throne”
Revelation 4:1-11
  1. The Importance of the Throne

2.  The Imagery of the Throne

3.   The Implications of the Throne
Application Questions:
  1. What aspects of God’s character from this passage draw you to praise and worship him?
  1. This passage invites us to worship the One who is on the throne. The elders do so by bowing down. What are some ways you are living in submission to God?
  1. Why is it noteworthy that the elders cast their crowns? Why is this the appropriate response? What does this look like in your life? 

More in The End

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