
A Modern-Day Reformation

October 31, 2021 Speaker: Mark Redfern Series: Renewal

Passage: Nehemiah 10:1–39

“A Modern-Day Reformation"”
Nehemiah 10:1-39
1. Reforming Our Individual Lives: Rejecting Individualism and Embracing Ecclesiastical Accountability (10:1-29)
2. Reforming Our Family Lives: Rejecting Self-Determinism and Embracing Spiritual Unity (10:30)
3. Reforming Our Work Lives: Rejecting Workaholism and Embracing Ethical Responsibility (10:31)
4. Reforming Our Church Lives: Rejecting Consumerism and Embracing Personal Generosity (10:32-39)
Application Questions:
  1. What would a modern-day reformation look like in your home? How should what we see in this chapter impact our life in our families?
  2. How does our commitment to Christ affect our work and rest balance? Why is this so important for our testimony? 
  3. In what ways have you been spurred on from this chapter to be more devoted to the work of the church, especially in regards to your time, talent and treasure? 

More in Renewal

November 14, 2021

Reformation Never Lasts

November 7, 2021

Giving God Glory

October 24, 2021

Getting Real With God

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