
Archives for January 2019

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This Week @ HBC (January 28-February 3)

Here's a list of upcoming events for January 28-February 3. Ladies Game Night - Tuesday, January 29 We are going to have a fun game/trivianight on Tuesday 1/29. We'll have desserts and drinks and play some games/trivia together. This should be a fun night of fellowship and laughs. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, January 30 - 5:30-7:30 5:30-6:15 - Meal (soups, san...

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This Week @ HBC (January 21-27)

Here's a list of upcoming events for January 21-27. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, January 23- 5:30-7:30 5:30-6:15 - Meal (nachos, taco soup) 6:15-7:30 - Mid-Week Prayer Meeting 6:15-7:30 - Heritage Kids (Bible, Missions and Games) 6:15-7:30 - Middle School Bible Study Baby Shower for Jonathan and Alea Poland - Saturday, January 26, 10:00am The Poland's...

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This Week @ HBC (January 14-20)

Here's a list of upcoming events for January 14-20. Ladies Prayer Meeting - Monday, January 14 - 12:00pm Our monthly ladies prayer meeting will take place tomorrow morning at noon in the nursery. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, January 16- 5:30-7:30 5:30-6:15 - Meal (lasagna, salad, breadsticks, dessert) 6:15-7:30 - Mid-Week Prayer Meeting 6:15-7:30 - Herit...

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This Week @ HBC (January 7-13)

Here's a list of upcoming events for January 7-13. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, January 9- 5:30-7:30 5:30-6:15 - Meal (Smoked Pork) 6:15-7:30 - Mid-Week Prayer Meeting 6:15-7:30 - Heritage Kids (Bible, Missions and Games) 6:15-7:30 - Middle School Bible Study Gospel Project - Sunday, January 13- 9:30-10:15 Students Adults:God Delivers H...

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