
Archives for October 2021

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This Week @ HBC (November 1-7)

Here's a list of upcoming events forNovember 1-7. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, November 3- 5:15-7:00pm NOTE: Our midweek service this week will feature a Serbian meal (made by the Baldwins) and a presentation from Baldwins during our prayer meeting. 5:15-6:00 -Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) -Serbian Meal 6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting -(Learni...

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This Sunday @ HBC (October 31)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - October 31 (Reformation Sunday) 10:30 - Opening Song "A Mighty Fortress" (with Psalm 46) 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 98:1-9 Thad Gunderson 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Reformation Hymn" "Reformation Song" 10:50 - Congregational Reading (Confession) Mark Redfern 10:55 - Lord's Supper SONG: "Almighty God Our...

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This Week @ HBC (October 25-31)

Here's a list of upcoming events forOctober 25-31. ​ Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, October 27- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00 -Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) - Nachos 6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting -(Learning Center) ​ This Week's Reading: pg. 59-66 (Chapter 6) HBC Youth - 6th-12th Grade (Youth Ro...

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This Week @ HBC (October 18-24)

Here's a list of upcoming events forOctober 18-24. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, October 20- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00 -Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) 6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting -(Learning Center) This Week's Reading: Finish Chapter 5 and Watch Video #2 HBC Youth - 6th-12th Grade (Youth Roo...

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This Sunday @ HBC (October 24)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - October 24 10:30 - Opening Song "How Great Is Our God" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 97:8-12 Jon Lynn 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder" "Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin" 10:50 - Congregational Reading (Confession) Phil. 2:3-8, 19-21, 25-26, 29-30 Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastor...

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This Sunday @ HBC (October 17)

HBC Sunday MorningWorship - October 17 10:30 - Opening Song "All I Have Is Christ" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 97:1-7 Jim Gauley 10:40 - Congregational Songs "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" "Our Great God" 10:50 - God at Work: Borrowed Hearts Birthday Project Chris Houston 10:55 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Luke 12:15-21; 1 J...

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This Week @ HBC (October 11-17)

​ Here's a list of upcoming events forOctober 11-17. ​ Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, October 13- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00 -Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) 6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting -(Learning Center) HBC Youth - 6th-12th Grade (Youth Room) Heritage Kids - Pre-K-5th Grade (Gym) ​ "Gentle and Lowly" - Wed...

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This Sunday @ HBC (October 10)

HBC Sunday MorningWorship - October 10 10:30 - Opening Song "Arise, My Soul, Arise" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 96:7-13 Justin Kline 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery" "Jesus, Thank You" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Luke 7:36-39; Matt. 7:1-5; Rom. 2:1-3 Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Th...

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This Week @ HBC (October 4-10)

Here's a list of upcoming events forOctober 4-10. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, October 6- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00 -Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) 6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting -(Learning Center) HBC Youth - 6th-12th Grade (Youth Room) - No Meeting This Week NOTE: There will be no Heritage Kids or Nurseryfor this...

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