
Archives for June 2022

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This Sunday @ HBC (July 3)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - July 3 10:30 - Opening Song "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 114:1-8 Tim Hoak 10:40 - Congregational Songs "There Is A Higher Throne" "Day By Day" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Thad Gunderson 11:00 - Congregationa...

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This Week @ HBC (June 27-July 3)

Here's a list of upcoming events for June 27-July 3. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, June 29 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) June 29- Serbian Meal 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel) This Week's Video: Lesson 4 HBC Youth (HCS Chapel Learning Center) 6:00-7:00 - Lesson 3: "Progressive Christian...

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This Sunday @ HBC (June 26)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - June 26 10:30 - Opening Song "There Is A Fountain" 10:35 - God at Work: Special Report Thad Gunderson 10:40 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 113:1-9 Thad Gunderson 10:45 - Congregational Songs "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery" "How Sweet and Awful Is the Place" 10:55 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Mark Re...

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This Week @ HBC (June 20-26)

Here's a list of upcoming events for June 20-26. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, June 22 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) June 22 - Pizza 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel) This Week's Video: Lesson 3 HBC Youth (HCS Chapel Learning Center) 6:00-7:00 - Lesson 2: "Prosperity Gospel" (Youth Room) Teache...

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This Sunday @ HBC (June 19)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - June 19 10:30 - Opening Song "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 112:1-10 Jon Lynn 10:40 - Congregational Songs "The Power of the Cross" "Trust and Obey" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Keith Withrow 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Keith Withrow 11:00 - Congregational...

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This Week @ HBC (June 13-19)

Here's a list of upcoming events for June 13-19. Ladies Summer Bible Studies Our Summer Bible Studies are beginning to take place across homes in our congegation this week. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, June 15 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) June 15 - Grilled Chicken June 22 - Skillet Pizza 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Pray...

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This Sunday @ HBC (June 12)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - June 12 10:30 - Opening Song "Crown Him With Many Crowns" 10:35 - God at Work -India VBS Report Keith Maddy 10:40 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 111:1-10 Justin Kline 10:45 - Congregational Song "You Alone Can Rescue" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Thad G...

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This Week @ HBC (June 6-12)

Here's a list of upcoming events for June 6-12. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, June 8- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) June 8 - Breakfast June 15 - Grilled Chicken June 22 - Skillet Pizza 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel) This Week's Video:Lesson 2 HBC Youth (HCS Chapel Learning Center) 6:00-...

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This Sunday @ HBC (June 5)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - June 5 10:30 - Opening Song "Let Us Love And Sing And Wonder" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 110:1-7 Jim Gauley 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Turn Your Eyes" "Christ Is Mine Forevermore" 10:50 -5th Street VBS Video Justin and Rebekah Kline 10:55 - Congregational Reading (Confession) Keith Maddy 11:00 ...

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