
Archives for August 2022

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 28)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 28 10:30 - Opening Song "All Creatures of Our God and King" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 118:19-29 Justin Kline 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Living Hope" "O Lord My Rock and My Redeemer" 10:50 - Baptism and New Minor Members Vote Mark Redfern 10:55 - Congregational Reading (Confession) Thad G...

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This Week @ HBC (August 22-28)

Here's a list of upcoming events for August 22-28. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, August 24 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) August 24 - Hamburgers Hot Dogs August 31 - Pizza 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (Chapel) HBC Youth (Youth Room) Lesson: "Cults" (Part 2) Teacher: John Divito ...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 21)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 21 10:30 - Opening Song "O Church Arise" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 118:10-18 Jim Gauley 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Jesus I My Cross Have Taken" "Not To Us, O Lord" "Take My Life" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Mark Redfern 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Mark Redfern 11:00 - Cong...

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This Week @ HBC (August 15-20)

Here's a list of upcoming events for August 15-20. Titus Talks - Monday, August 15 - 6:30-8:30 Ladies, join your sisters at the Withrow home for an evening for sharing, food and fellowship. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, August 17- 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) August 17 - Nachos 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (Chapel...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 14)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 14 10:30 - Opening Song "Come Christians Join to Sing" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 118:1-9 Tim Hoak 10:40 - Congregational Songs "Hallelujah for the Cross" "Before the Throne of God Above" 10:50 - Baptisms Thad Gunderson 11:00 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Keith Withrow 11:05 - Pa...

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This Week @ HBC (August 8-14)

Here's a list of upcoming events for August 8-14. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, August 10 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) August 10 - Chicken Casserole August 17 - Nachos 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel) This Week's Video: Lesson 8 HBC Youth (Youth Room) 6:00-7:00 - Lesson 8: "Islam" Teacher: John Divito ...

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This Week @ HBC (August 1-7)

Here's a list of upcoming events for August 1-7. Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, August 3 - 5:15-7:00pm 5:15-6:00-Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall) August 3 - Lasagna August 10 - Chicken Casserole August 17 - Nachos 6:00-7:00- Mid-Week Gathering Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel) This Week's Video: Lesson 7 HBC Youth (Youth Room) 6:00-7:00 - Lesson 8: "Wor...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 7)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 7 10:30 - Opening Song "Behold Our God" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 117:1-2 Tim Hoak 10:40 - Congregational Songs "The Lord Is My Salvation" "Jesus Strong and Kind" 10:50 -Congregational Reading (Confession) Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Thad Gunderson 11:00 - Congregational Readi...

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