
This Sunday @ HBC (February 9)


HBC Sunday Morning Worship - February 9

10:30 - Opening Song
“Holy, Holy, Holy
10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship
Psalm 39:1-13
Jon Lynn
10:40 - Congregational Songs
“All My Boast Is In Jesus"
“There Is A Fountain”
10:50 - Responsive Reading 
Proverbs 3:1-12
Thad Gunderson
10:55 - Pastoral Prayer
Thad Gunderson
11:00 - Pre-Sermon Song
“He Will Hold Me Fast"
11:05 - Scripture Reading
Hebrews 12:1-17
Danny George
11:10 - Sermon
“Learning As God’s Children"
Mark Redfern
11:55 - Post-Sermon Song
12:00 - Announcements and Benediction
1 Peter 5:10-11
Thad Gunderson

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