
This Sunday @ HBC (June 16)


HBC Sunday Morning Worship - June 16

10:30 - Opening Song
“O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing"
10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship
Psalm 20:1-19
Jon Lynn
10:40 - Congregational Songs
“Let Your Kingdom Come”
“O Church Arise"
10:50 - Responsive Reading 
Gen. 19:23-29; Is.14:13-15, 23:8-9
Keith Withrow
10:55 - Pastoral Prayer
Keith Withrow
11:00 - Pre-Sermon Song
“There Is A Higher Throne"
11:05 - Scripture Reading / Day of the Christian Martyr Video
Luke 10:1-16
Dave Owens
11:10 - Sermon
“Essential Components of Christian Mission"
Mark Redfern
11:55 - Post-Sermon Song
12:00 - Announcements and Benediction
Romans 16:25-27
Keith Withrow

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