
This Week @ HBC (May 1-7)

Wednesday, May 3 - 5:15-7:00

5:15-6:00 - Mid-Week Meal
5/3 - Pizza
5/10 - Hamburgers & Hotdogs, chips, desserts
5/17 - Lasagna, salad, desserts
5/24 - Bonfire (hot dogs and chili, smores)
5/31 - No mid-week meal (5th Street VBS)

6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Meeting 
Adult Prayer Meeting (HCS Chapel)
HBC Youth (Youth Room)
Heritage Kids (Gym)

Thursday, May 4 - 11:30am-1:00pm
The annual NDP gathering takes place this Sunday on the Courthouse lawn. Join others in prayer from around the community. The "Circle of Good News" begins at 11:30 followed by the prayer gathering at noon. More information is available here
Saturday, May 6 - 8:00-9:15
Brothers, join us for our monthly men's breakfast in the fellowship hall this Saturday morning. Food, fellowship & Jim Gauley will be sharing a testimony.

Sunday, May 7 - 9:30-10:15

Preschool & Kids
2s & 3s - HBC Nursery
4s & 5s - HCS Preschool Classroom
1st-3rd Grade - HCS 4th Grade Classroom
4th-6th Grade - HCS 5th Grade Classroom

Lesson: "People Rejected Jesus" (Luke 4:16-30)

Adults & Students
Adults - HBC Learning Center
Students (7th-12th Grade) - Youth Room

Lesson: "Rejection of the Messiah" (Luke 4:16-30)

Sunday, May 7 - 9:30-10:15
We continue our Systematic Theology 1 class this Sunday in the chapel.

Lesson: "The Person of Christ" (Part 1)
Sunday, May 7 - 10:30-12:00
Join us for worship as we sing, pray, read Scripture, and hear God's Word. 

Sermon: Psalm 63
Sunday, May - Heritage Kids Bake Sale
Heritage Kids will be sponsoring a bake sale this Sunday. All money raised will go to offset costs of CentriKid Camp this summer.

Join us Sundays at 
