
This Week @ HBC (April 22-28)

Here's a list of upcoming events for April 22-28.

Titus Talks - Monday, April 22 - 6:30pm

Ladies, join your sisters in Christ for this montly time of fellowship at the Withrow's home. Rachael Lynn will be sharing her testimony. 

Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, April 24 - 5:30-7:30

5:30-6:15 - Meal (Nachos)

6:15-7:30 - Mid-Week Prayer Meeting, Heritage Kids (Bible, Missions and Games) and Middle School Bible Studies


Gospel Project - Sunday, April 28 - 9:30-10:15

Students & Adults: The Pattern of Rebellion (Judges 1-3)

Preschool & Kids: Israel's Unfaithfulness (Judges 1-3)

"Drilling Down" Class - Sunday, April 28 - 9:15-10:15

This class takes place in the Fellowship Hall. This week, we will look at Justification.

Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday, April 21 - 10:30-12:00

We will continue our sermon series in Exodus. This week, we will look at Exodus 12-13.

5th Street VBS Informational Meeting - Sunday, April 28 - 12pm

Immediately following mornng worship, we will host an informational meeting for this summer's VBS on 5th Street. The dates for the VBS are June 4-7. 

Connect Lunch - Sunday, April 28 - 12:00pm
We will continue hosting our bi-weekly connect lunch for guests on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Our community groups will host these lunches. This lunch is also open to members who are not currently involved with a small group. If you are a member and not involved with a small group, feel free to stay for as many lunches as you'd like to get to know the community groups.

Members' Meeting - Sunday, April 28 - 5:00pm

We will have a members' meeting in the chapel to vote on setting aside Pastor Thad for full-time ministry at HBC. 


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