
This Week @ HBC (August 19-25)

Monday, August 19 - 6:30-8:00pm
Ladies, our monthly Titus Talks fellowship gathering will take place at the Withrow's home. In addition to food and fellowship, Tammy Lytle will be sharing her testimony.
Wednesday, August 21 - 5:30-6:30

5:30-6:00 - Dinner in Fellowship Hall
August 21 - Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, salad and dessert
August 28 - Nachos and dessert

6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Meeting
Prayer Meeting - Chapel (Pastor Mark)
Heritage Kids - Gym (Hymn Lesson, Music & Games)
Youth - Upstairs

Sunday, August 25 - 9:30-10:15

Preschool & Kids
2s & 3s - HBC Nursery
4s & 5s - HCS Preschool Classroom
1st-3rd Grade - HCS 4th Grade Classroom
4th-6th Grade - HCS 5th Grade Classroom

Lesson: "We Will Be Part of the New Heaven and Earth" (Rev 21–22)

Adults & Students
Adults - HBC Learning Center
Students (7th-12th Grade) - Youth Room

Lesson: "Worshiping Our Glorious God" (Rev 21:1-5, 22-27; 22:1-5)

Sunday, August 25 - 9:30-10:15
Join us in the chapel as we conclude our summer Sunday School class. 

Lesson: "A New Vision for Life: Loving & Serving, Not Fearing & Needing"
Teacher: Pastor Keith Withrow
Sunday, August 25 - 10:45am
We will have the joy of baptizing two young ladies this Sunday. Their testimonies were made available last week. Please be sure to read them (if you haven't done so already) and come prepared to vote on receiving these new disciples into membership.
Sunday, August 25 - 10:30-12:00
Join us for worship as we sing, pray, read Scripture, and hear God's Word. Pastor Mark will be preaching.

Sermon: Luke 14:7-24

Join us Sundays at 
