This Week @ HBC (December 14-20)
Here's a list of upcoming events for December 14-20.
Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, December 16 - 6:00-7:00pm
We will meet on Wednesday evening for prayer in the HCS Chapel. Heritage Kids and Student Groups will also meet. Nursery available.
Heritage Kids Christmas Party - Wednesday, December 16 - 6:00-7:00pm
Heritage Kids will have their annual Christmas party this Wednesday evening.
Gospel Project Discipleship Classes - Sunday, December 13 - 9:30-10:15
Volume 10: The Mission Begins -- Unit 28: The Holy Spirit Empowers (Acts, 1-2 Peter)
- Adults & Students: "The Word Became Flesh" (John 1)
- Adults in Learning Center with Pastor Keith Maddy
- Students (Grade 7-12) in Youth Room with Pastor Thad
- Preschool & Kids: "Jesus Was Born - The Word Became Flesh" (John 1)
- 2's and 3's - Nursery
- 4's and 5's - HCS Preschool Classroom
- 1st-3rd Grade - Conference Room (Upstairs)
- 4th-6th Grade - Art Room (Upstairs)
Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday, December 20 - 10:30-12:00
This Week's Sermon: "The Unexpected Salvation of Jesus" (Luke 2:22-40). Pastor Mark will be preaching. For those unable to or uncomfortable with re-gathering at this time, you can join us online at 10:30 at our church's Youtube page, Facebook page or Website. We will continue to have a "mask-only" area in the back corner of the gynasium. Please allow the parking immediately outside the kitchen door exit of the gym for those wishing to sit in this area.
Sunday Evening Worship - Sunday, December 20 - 5:00-6:00pm
We will gather in the HCS chapel for our 3rd Sunday evening service. In addition to singing and prayer, Jason Houston will be preaching.
Upcoming Events:
HBC 2021 Church Directory
We are updating our church directory for 2021. These directories will contain photos of HBC members and contact information for our membership. Please check your email and send Pastor Mark any photo or information updates.
2021 Ministry Needs
A few of our ministry teams (Nursery and AV) would benefit from so additional workers. Please see Abby Sorrells (Nursery) or Dave Reed (AV) if you can help these vital ministries.
New Members Vote - December 27
To allow for the full two-weeks required for all testimonies by our church constitution, we will be voting to receive new members in our Sunday morning worship on December 27. All testimonies have been distributed via email. Please read those by December 27 in preparation for the vote.
Christmas Candlelight Service - Wednesday, December 23 - 6:00-7:15pm
Our annual Christmas Candlelight Service will take place on Wednesday, December 23. In addition to lighting candles, we will sing, have special Scripture readings, and hear a devotional sermon from our missionary, A.W.
HBC Mobile Application
Download the Heritage App for access to audio and video sermons, livestream, church calendar, the Bible, notes, and giving. Be sure to turn on notifications so you can receive occasional text messages.
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