
This Week @ HBC (January 17-23)

Here's a list of upcoming events for January 17-23

Titus Talks - Monday, January 17 - 6:30-8:30

Ladies, join your sisters in Christ at the Withrows home this evening for food and fellowship. 

Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, January 19 - 5:15-7:00pm

5:15-6:00 - Mid-Week Meal (Fellowship Hall)

  • January 19 - Chicken Casserole, Salad & Hotdogs
  • January 26 - Nachos

6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Gathering

  • Prayer Meeting - (Learning Center)

This Week's Readingpgs. 117 (middle)-120

  • HBC Youth - 6th-12th Grade (Youth Room) 
  • Heritage Kids - Pre-K-5th Grade (Gym) 

New Members Class -  Sunday, January 23 - 9:30-10:15

Our new members class continues this Sunday. Pastor Mark is leading this 6-week class. 

This Week's Class: "Devoted to the Fellowship"

Gospel Project Discipleship Classes - Sunday, January 23 - 9:30-10:15

Volume 2 (Winter 2021-22): "From Captivity to the Wilderness (Exodus-Deuteronomy)"

Preschool & Kids: Unit 5 - "Into the Wilderness"

Lesson: "The People Built the Tabernacle" (Exodus 35-40)

2's and 3's - Nursery

4's and 5's - Preschool Classroom 

1st-3rd Grade - 5th Grade Classroom

4th-6th Grade - 4th Grade Classroom

Adults & Students: Unit 5 - "To Dwell in the House of the Lord"

Lesson: "The Place of Meeting" (Exodus 40:1-15, 35-38)

Students (Grade 7-12) - Youth Room 

Adults - Learning Center 

"Introduction to Theology" Class - Sunday, January 23 - 9:30-10:15 

This Week's Class: "Historical Theology" 

Teacher: John Hoegg

Sunday Morning Worship  - Sunday, January 23 - 10:30-12:00 

This Week's Sermon: "Challenge #2: Immorality (Part 1)" (1 Cor. 5:1-13)Pastor Mark will be preaching.


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