
This Week @ HBC (October 28-November 3)

Wednesday, October 30 - 5:15-7:00

5:15-6:00 - Dinner in Fellowship Hall
October 30 - Youth cooking (Walking Tacos & Dessert)

6:00-7:00 - Mid-Week Meeting
Prayer Meeting - Chapel
Heritage Kids - Pastor Q&A & Movie  
Youth - Small Groups (Upstairs)
Men's Retreat - October 31-November 2
Brothers, our men's retreat takes place this weekend at "Camp Withrow." Join us for lots of food and fellowship. For early birds, the retreat has a "soft launch" on Thursday evening, October 31 (so feel free to come down in the evening if you don't have other obligations), but the retreat will run all day Friday into Saturday mid-day. The theme for this year's retreat is "The Kindness of God."

Here's the basic schedule for this year's retreat:

Thursday, October 31

6ish - Supper

Friday, November 1

8:00 - Breakfast 
12:00 - Leftovers lunch
6:00 - Supper
7:00 - Session 1 (Titus 3:4-5; Romans 2:1-5)
8:30 - Competition? / boat ride?
10:00-8:00 Quiet hours

Saturday, November 2

8:00 - breakfast
9:00 - Session 2 (Psalm 36:5-9; Psalm 139: 13-16; 1 Peter 1:6-7)
1:00 - Leftover lunch

Sunday, November 3 - 9:30-10:15

Fall 2024 - Creation & Covenant (Genesis; Job) 

Preschool & Kids
2s & 3s - HBC Nursery
4s & 5s - HCS Preschool Classroom
1st-3rd Grade - HCS 4th Grade Classroom
4th-6th Grade - HCS 5th Grade Classroom

Adults & Students
Adults - HBC Learning Center
Students (7th-12th Grade) - Youth Room

Sunday, November 3 - 9:30-10:15
Join us in the chapel as we continue our fall Sunday School class. 

Lesson: "Creation Ordinances"
Teacher: Tim Hoak
Sunday, November 3  - 10:30-12:00
Join us for worship as we sing, pray, read Scripture, and hear God's Word.

Sermon: Luke 19:28-48
Preacher: Pastor Mark
Sunday, November 3 - 5:00-6:15pm
Join us for our monthly Lord's Supper service this Sunday evening in gym. We will sing, hear from God's Word and take communion together. 

Service Leader: Pastor Thad
Devotional: Pastor Mark

Join us Sundays at 
