
Crying | The Soul-Killing Danger of Silence

April 26, 2020 Speaker: Mark Redfern Series: Learning to Lament

Topic: AM Sermon Passage: Lamentations 1:1– 2:22

Title: “Crying: The Soul-Killing Danger of Silence”
Text: Lamentations 1-2

1. The Condition for the Crying

2. The Cause of the Crying

3. The Companion in the Crying

Application Questions:

1. God’s affliction of the city of Jerusalem shows that God does not take sin lightly. How should this cause you to take your sin seriously? What would that look like on a day-to-day basis?

2 This lament mentions a number of “hopes” that God removes from Israel: Israel’s religious hopes (v. 7), Israel’s military hopes (vv. 8–9), and Israel’s political hopes (v. 9). What is God’s purpose in removing these hopes from the nation? How does this actually serve His people? Can you remember when God stripped you of the “hopes” in your life and how that worked for your good?

3 It is really important to see that , even though God was the one afflicting Israel (2:17), they still cry out to him (2:18–20). Why is it important to keep going to God in prayer even in the midst of affliction? Is there anything you’re experiencing in life now where this reminder is helpful?


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