
Calling: The Idol-Revealing Nature of Hardship

May 10, 2020 Speaker: Mark Redfern Series: Learning to Lament

Topic: AM Sermon Passage: Lamentations 4:1

“Calling: The Idol-Revealing Nature of Hardship”

Lamentations 4


  1. “God, be my security, not things.” (4:1-11)


  1. “God, be my Savior, not people.” (4:12-16)


  1. “God, be my sufficiency, not self.” (4:17-22)


Application Questions:


1 In Chapter 3, there was so much hope and it seemed like a corner was turned, but now in Chapter 4 the situation still seems dismal and the people are helpless. Why is it important to see that not every book of the Bible ends on a positive note or with things fixed? How is this true to life where we do have hope and yet live in a very broken world? 


2 How does the failure of Israel’s prophets, priests, and kings throughout the Old Testament point us to the need for and the coming of Jesus? In what ways has Jesus fulfilled the duties of these offices that Israelite leaders could not fulfill? See Heb. 4:14-16, 7:26-28 for help.


3 Much of Lamentations is similar. Is there anything new this week that you need to apply? How are you growing in learning to lament? As you’ve tried to lament to God, what has been helpful, what’s been easy or hard about it, and what questions have come up? 


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