We are HBC

We exist to be a Gospel-centered community of worshipers on mission to make, mature and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Mark wants to welcome you!

Thanks so much for stopping by our website. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

All of our contact info is in the contact menu and also at the bottom of the page.


This Sunday @ HBC (February 16)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - February 16 10:30 - Opening Song "Come Christians Join To Sing" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 40:1-5 Thad Gunderson 10:40 - Congregational Songs "I Set My Hope On Jesus" "Out

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This Week @ HBC (February 10-16)

Wednesday, February 12 - 5:15-7:005:15-6:00 - Dinner in Fellowship HallFebruary 12 - Lasagna, salad, and dessertsFebruary 19 - Fried chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, salad, fresh fruit salad desse

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This Sunday @ HBC (February 9)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - February 9 10:30 - Opening Song "Holy, Holy, Holy 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Psalm 39:1-13 Jon Lynn 10:40 - Congregational Songs "All My Boast Is In Jesus" "There Is A Fountain"

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