About Us


"Oh, save your people and bless your heritage!
    Be their shepherd and carry them forever." (Psalm 28:9)

Heritage Baptist Church is a group of people who have been saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ. We did not earn this salvation because we were good people. Rather, "God demonstrates his love for us in while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). We were sovereignly chosen, effectually called, powerfully regenerated, mercifully forgiven, and lovingly adopted into God's family not because we were good, but because God is. 

Because of his great salvation for us in Jesus, our future is incredibly bright. With Jesus as our shepherd, we are being carried, held, nourished, fed, and tended to all the way until we die or He comes again. Then, we will dwell with our God again. Paradise lost will become paradise restored (Revelation 21:1-5). 

And the good news is: Anyone can get in on this. 

To all who are weary and need rest;
To all who mourn and long for comfort;
To all who feel worthless and wonder if God even cares;
To all who are weak and fail and desire strength;
To all who sin and need a Savior —
This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ.


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