Sunday Worship


Worship is the ceaseless action of all humanity. For better or worse people will either pour themselves out in praise of created things (which is idolatry); or they will pour themselves out in worship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At Heritage we like to think of worship in two ways: gathered, where we come together weekly to learn about Jesus and respond to him, and scattered, where we spread throughout the city in Gospel Community Groups to seek God’s glory through tangible expressions of love for both brother and neighbor.

Our gatherings are focused on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus. We do this in the way we greet each other, hear from God, respond in obedience, lend financial support, pray, sing and go on mission. We welcome you to come participate as we declare how Jesus has paid our full debt of sin to God.

Sunday Gathering


Knowing that Jesus has warmly invited us to worship him makes us appropriately relaxed at Heritage. Our worship environment is both serious and casual. It’s serious in that we care very deeply about our worship of God in singing, preaching and teaching. It’s casual in how we do all of this with warmth and kindness and casual dress. During a typical service we will sing, pray, give, serve, celebrate family events, and hear a sermon. That’s about it! We welcome all people to join with us in our Sunday celebration. Heritage music has a contemporary sound, with solid, rich biblical-theological lyrics. Christ is always the central focus. God has blessed us with talented musicians who love Jesus and serve his church through music. But more than just good sound, our music is part of the way in which we prepare our hearts and minds to hear the God’s word and respond to it. Also, as part of our worship, we give our time and talents in service to the church. We also give our financial offerings to support God’s work. All in all, the atmosphere is friendly, warm, reflective, and gracious.

You're invited to join us Sundays mornings at 10:30!


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