
This Sunday @ HBC (March 22)


NOTE: Our Sunday service will be online-only this week. Please join us live on our Facebook page or church website at 10:30am. 


HBC Sunday Morning Worship - March 22


10:30 - Opening Song

Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me"


10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship

Jim Gauley


10:40 - Songs

“’Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus

All Glory Laud And Honor"


10:50 - Scripture Reading - Psalm 53:1-6

Thad Gunderson


10:55 - Pastoral Prayer

Thad Gunderson


11:00 - Pre-Sermon Song 

To God Be The Glory"


11:05 - Scripture Reading

Text: Titus 3:1-11

Reader: Larry Reed


11:10 - Sermon 

Title: “Perspectives For A Pandemic"

Preacher: Mark Redfern


11:50 - Post-Sermon Song


11:55 - Announcements 

Thad Gunderson


12:00 - Benediction

Thad Gunderson


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