
This Week @ HBC (September 16-22)


Here's a list of upcoming events for September 16-22. 

Titus Talks - September 16 - 6:30-8:30pm

Ladies, our monthly Titus Talk takes place tonight at the Withrow's home. Ashley Aull will be sharing her testimony. 

Mid-Week Gathering - Wednesday, September 18 - 5:30-7:30 

5:30-6:00 - Meal 

6:00-7:30 - Mid-Week Prayer Meeting (Adults and High School Youth)

6:15-7:30 - Heritage Kids 

6:15-7:30 - Middle School Bible Studies

Gospel Project - Sunday, September 22 - 9:30-10:15

Year 2 - Volume 5: A Nation Divided

Unit 13: Elijah and Elisha (1-2 Kings)

Students & Adults: The Visions of God's Strength (2 Kings 6-7)

Preschool & Kids: Elisha and the Army (2 Kings 6-7) 

Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday, September 22 - 10:30-12:00

This Sunday, we will begin our "Missions Month." Pastor Mark will be preaching on "Our Passion for Missions: Sharing the Gospel."  



Upcoming Events:


Men's Retreat - September 27-28

Our annual men's retreat will take place at Rough River. It is free and you can sign up in the lobby. For more information, contact Patrick Rowe. 

New Members Class - October 20-November 24

We will be holding our fall new members class on October 20-November 24. The class will meet for six consecutive Sundays from 9:30-10:15 in the HBC Learning Center library. 

Women's Sunday School Class - October 20-December 15

Our annual ladies Sunday school class is set to begin soon. We will be studying Paul's letter to the Colossians. 


Join us Sundays at 
