
Archives for August 2020

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This Week @ HBC (August 31-September 6)

Here's a list of upcoming events forAugust 31-September 6. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting - Wednesday, September 2- 6:00pm Our mid-week prayer will take placein the HBC Learning Center from 6:00-7:00pm.Please come if you're able! NOTE: We have a new start time for our prayer meeting. Itwill begin at 6:00pm instead of 6:30pm. Heritage Kids - Wednesday, September 2 - 6:00...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 30)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 30 10:30 - Opening Song "Here I Am To Worship" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Tim Hoak 10:40 - Songs "Crown Him With Many Crowns" "Salvation Belongs To Our God" 10:50 - Scripture Reading - Psalm 76:1-12 Mark Redfern 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Mark Redfern 11:00 - Lord's Supper Mark Redfern 11:05 - Pre-Serm...

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This Week @ HBC (August 24-30)

Here's a list of upcoming events forAugust 24-30. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting - Wednesday, August 26- 6:30pm Our mid-week prayer will take placein the HCS Chapel at 6:30.Please come if you're able! Heritage Kids and mid-week nursery will resume NEXT WEDNESDAYSeptember 2nd. Gospel ProjectSunday School Classes - Sunday, August 30- 9:30-10...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 23)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 23 10:30 - Opening Song "We Will Dance" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Keith Withrow 10:40 - Songs "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" 10:50 - Scripture Reading - Psalm 75:1-10 Thad Gunderson 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Thad Gunderson 11:00 - Pre-Sermon Song "There Is A Higher Thron...

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This Week @ HBC (August 17-23)

Here's a list of upcoming events forAugust 17-23. Women's Summer Bible Study - Monday, August 17- 6:30-8:00pm Sisters, join us for the FINAL MEETINGof our summer Bible Study through 1 Thessalonians. The Bible Study will take place in the HCS Chapel. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting - Wednesday, August 19- 6:30pm Our mid-week prayer will take placein the HCS Chapel at 6:30...

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This Week @ HBC (August 3-9)

Here's a list of upcoming events forAugust 3-9. Women's Summer Bible Study - Monday, August 3 - 6:30-8:00pm Sisters, join us for Week 4of our summer Bible Study through 1 Thessalonians. The Bible Study will take place in the HCS Chapel. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting - Wednesday, August 5- 6:30pm Our mid-week prayer will take placein the HCS Chapel at 6:30.Please come i...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 16)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 16 10:30 - Opening Song "God Is For Us" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Thad Gunderson 10:40 - Songs "All My Ways" "Rock of Ages" 10:50 - Scripture Reading - Psalm 73:1-23 Keith Withrow 10:55 - Pastoral Prayer Keith Withrow 11:00 - Pre-Sermon Song "His Mercy Is More" 11:05 - Scripture Reading Text: 1 Pe...

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This Sunday @ HBC (August 9)

HBC Sunday Morning Worship - August 9 10:30 - Opening Song "Christ Our Hope In Life And Death" 10:35 - Welcome and Call to Worship Jon Lynn 10:40 - Songs "Wonderful Merciful Savior" "I Will Glory In My Redeemer" 10:50 - God at Work The Welcome Project (Natalie Gunderson) 10:55 - Scripture Reading - Psalm 73:1-28 Thad Gunderson 11:00 - Pastoral Pra...

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This Week @ HBC (August 10-16)

Here's a list of upcoming events forAugust 10-16. Ladies Prayer Meeting - Monday, August 10 - 12:00pm Ladies, if you're available, join your other sisters for this monthly prayer meeting in HBC Learning Center at noon. Women's Summer Bible Study - Monday, August 10- 6:30-8:00pm Sisters, join us for Week 5of our summer Bible Study through 1 Thessalonians. The Bibl...

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